The show opens with Navjot Sidhu on the stage. Sidhu says that he has given Kapil a rest today. He also says that today someone special would be joining them on the stage, and welcomes Sunil Gavaskar. Kapil also follows Sunny on the stage and speaks about the great batsman of the century. Kapil then proceeds to welcome Virender Shewag on the stage. Watch the episode and have fun.
Kapil starts the show with his wisecracks on the news channels and the commercialization of news now-a-days. Kapil then proceeds to talk about the number of news channels having increased over the period of time, this has the audience in splits. Next, Kapil organizes a skit of a debate on the topic of a royal Goat, which the has the audience bursting with laughter. Sunny Leone joins the show with a